Wednesday 23 June
So our eagerly awaited start up quizz night at
Slipp Inn arrived in June (even though they had been going since February
The original 8 of us were somewhat
depleted as the obvious pressure took its toll. 4 of us were left to fly the
Ferry Girls flag. Having spent the previous night randomly Googling facts.... we
felt well prepared to better our efforts of second (to last) out of about 20
teams on our final quizz night a year ago.
However we did not bank on the collectively squillions of brain
cells that had died during the intervening year - and we seemed to be showing
signs of a trend (at losing).
Brain Teaser section was so bad - not only didn't we get even one question
correct - we still didn't get it when they told us the
Of course we did notice
lots of people openly cheating using their Samsung Galaxy SII's - especially on
the ponderous puzzle - unless they were all texting home to say they'd be late
for dinner of course.
Well we
cheated too :-P but we didn't even get that right - as instead of Googling a
clue on the first round to earn the 10 points - we waited to cheat until
the 6th round to cheat and get 4 points...d'uh.
Finally the end - and with the scores all in - first up was The
Second To Last Prize which went to........Correct - The Ferry Girls!!!
So now our name is etched on the
almost-losers cup for a second time.
But hey - we got the $20 bar tab.....
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