Monday, 18 June 2012

The Slipp Inn Quiz Night

Don't forget that the next Ferry Girls outing is on Wednesday 20th at the Slipp Inn in Birkenhead. 
Bring your smartest brain - we will be competing in the Pub Quiz.  A precedence has been set and bar tabs won at previous Quiz nights - so lets start out as we mean to finish (and get some free bubbles)!
The dedicated will be arriving directly from the ferry to secure a favourable location.
See you there!

The Red Boat Cruise and Riverhead Tavern

May 27 2012
Anchors away! 
On a brisk and rain threatening Sunday morning, eight Ferry Girls gathered at the Birkenhead Ferry Terminal for a ferry journey of a different calibre.
At 10.30 ish the red boat chug, chug, chugged into view and whisked us away for a splendid and idyllic five hour cruise on the upper Waitemata harbour.  Past Chelsea, Beach Haven, Greenhithe, Herald Island, Whenuapai, Paremoremo, all the way to Riverhead.
What an amazing way to experience Auckland and to learn a little history about our great city, with an added bonus - a fully stocked and very well priced bar (wine, beers, spirits and non alcoholic) and all for a very reasonable $35 per person.
Being able to see into the 'backside' of many great properties which line the harbour, felt a little like being a peeping tom - but the fabulous mansions which sit grandly on the harbours bank are magnificient - some are even for sale!
On arrival at The Riverhead Tavern, we were quickly escorted inside to the warmth and seated.  While we didn't have a table that took advantage of the magnificient view, the service, decor and ambience of the restaurant was friendly and familiar.
With an ample wine list and equally sufficient menu, the Ferry Girls tucked into a delicious lunch and sampled a glass or two of bubbles.
Ordered from the menu included Seafood Chowder ($14), Beef Burger ($19), Pie of the Day ($18) and Pizza ($18).  All offerings were met with delighted grins and satisfied tummies.  The bill for eight Ferry Girls (3 coffees, 1 special coffee, 8 mains and 3 bottles of wine) was a very respectful $304.

Ratings for The Red Boat
Service: 4.5
Ambience: 4.5
Value for Money:5
Comments: "Awesome!" "Can't believe we haven't done this before.  Tourists in our own town!" "Great to see a part of Auckland from anotehr perspective" "Just loved it - will psread the word" "JUST FABULOUS"

Ratings for The Riverhead Tavern
Service: 4.5
Ambience: 4
Quality of Food: 4
Value for Money: 4.5
Overall: 4.5
Comments: "Fabulous fit for purpose" "Nice location"